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Seamless IT Asset and Operations Management for

India's Largest Public Sector Life Insurance Company with SapphireIMS

Seamless IT Asset and Operations Management for

India's Largest Public Sector Life Insurance Company with SapphireIMS

In the dynamic landscape of India's largest public sector life insurance provider, managing a sprawling IT network spanning central headquarters, 8 zones, 113 divisional and 2048 branch offices posed a significant challenge. With over 120 thousand devices dispersed nationwide, achieving control and visibility became crucial. This led to the quest for a solution that could streamline software and hardware management, especially in the realm of remote desktop sharing.

In the dynamic landscape of India's largest public sector life insurance provider, managing a sprawling IT network spanning central headquarters, 8 zones, 113 divisional and 2048 branch offices posed a significant challenge. With over 120 thousand devices dispersed nationwide, achieving control and visibility became crucial. This led to the quest for a solution that could streamline software and hardware management, especially in the realm of remote desktop sharing.

The Story

The customer, the largest public sector life insurance company in the country, grappled with the complexities of managing an extensive IT infrastructure. With diverse devices, including those operating on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Windows, the primary challenges involved achieving zone-wise control and implementing centralized analytics. Remote desktop sharing added another layer of complexity, requiring a comprehensive solution.

Impact of SapphireIMS

After thorough research, the customer opted for SapphireIMS to oversee their expansive IT environment. SapphireIMS brought about revolutionary transformations, addressing the core challenges faced by the customer.

Large-scale Endpoint Discovery

• Revolutionized the discovery of endpoints across diverse locations.

• Provided unparalleled visibility and control over the expansive network infrastructure

Centralized Asset Inventory

• Introduced a centralized asset inventory system.

• Offered meticulous zone-wise control and centralized reporting, fostering enhanced efficiency and strategic insights.

Compliance Regulation and Audit

• Played a pivotal role in ensuring Compliance Regulation adherence.

• Provided a meticulous audit trail of asset inventory, fortifying resilience to regulatory scrutiny

Central Management with Remote Control

• Facilitated seamless central management of endpoints.

• Enhanced operational efficiency through features like remote desktop sharing, streamlining support and ensuring swift issue resolution.


SapphireIMS's integration resulted in tangible outcomes for India's largest public sector life insurance company, offering a comprehensive solution to their IT management challenges.

The compliance enhancement achieved through accurate asset information and regulatory adherence underscores the platform's effectiveness.

Operational streamlining was realized with increased efficiency in IT asset management, reducing downtime and enabling proactive issue resolution.

The strengthened audit trail provided by SapphireIMS ensures accountability and transparency in the management of the extensive IT infrastructure.

Remote control benefits, including improved troubleshooting and swift issue resolution through desktop sharing, contribute to seamless and uninterrupted operations.

In essence, SapphireIMS has proven instrumental in transforming and optimizing IT operations for the largest public sector life insurance provider in India, delivering enhanced compliance, operational efficiency, and robust audit capabilities.

About SapphireIMS

SapphireIMS makes your business functions and processes agile by digitizing and automating your back-office functions.

Contact Us

Tecknodreams Software Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
#17, Srinidhi Tower, 2nd Floor J.P. Nagar 3rd Phase,
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-560 078.

Phone No. : +91 80 4650 7400
Sales : +91 80 4650 7422 /

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About SapphireIMS

SapphireIMS makes your business functions and processes agile by digitizing and automating your back-office functions.

Contact Us

Tecknodreams Software Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
#17, Srinidhi Tower, 2nd Floor J.P. Nagar 3rd Phase,
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-560 078.

Phone No. : +91 80 4650 7400
Sales : +91 80 4650 7422 /

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